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Amanda Fischer-Tlustos

Position/Title: Ph.D. student
email: [email protected]
Phone: N/A
Office: ANNU 016B

Research gate site link

Amanda Fischer-Tlustos completed her MSc at the University of Alberta in 2017, which focused on the effects of colostrum management practices on the immunity and development of the neonatal calf. After working in various roles from 2017-2020, including as a research assistant, content writer, and conference coordinator of the 2019 Smart Calf Rearing Conference, she began her PhD in May 2020 at the University of Guelph under the supervision of Drs. Michael Steele and John Cant. During her PhD, she has received multiple awards, including an NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship-Doctoral, The Department of Animal Biosciences Industry Outreach Award, and the Animal Nutrition Association of Canada Graduate Scholarship. Her current PhD research focuses on three major knowledge gaps:

  1. Understanding prepartum factors (ie. nutrition, parity, seasonality, health status) that influence the synthesis of bioactive compounds in bovine colostrum and transition milk
  2. Elucidating the synthesis of bioactive compounds at the mammary gland level and the physiology parameters that influence this synthesis
  3. Determining the effect of colostrum and transition milk bioactive compounds on the development and physiology of the newborn dairy calf



2020-present: Ph.D. in Animal Science, University of Guelph

  • Supervisor: Dr. Michael Steele and Dr. John Cant
  • Thesis title: Maternal factors controlling the synthesis and concentrations of bioactive compounds in bovine colostrum and transition milk and their role in improving dairy calf gut development and transfer of passive immunity

2015-2017: M.Sc. in Animal Science, University of Alberta

  • Supervisor: Dr. Michael Steele
  • Thesis title: Effects of colostrum management practices on the neonatal dairy calf

2011-2015: B.Sc. in Animal Biology, University of Guelph


Work Experience

2020-2021: Trouw Nutrition Canada Inc., Research Intern

2019-2020: Smart Calf Rearing Conference, Conference Coordinator

2018-2019: Saskatoon Colostrum Co. Ltd, Content Writer

2017-2020: University of Guelph, Research Assistant


Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications

Fischer-Tlustos, A.J., A. Lopez, K.S. Hare, K.M. Wood, and M.A. Steele. 2021. Invited Review: Effects of colostrum management on transfer of passive immunity and the potential role of colostral bioactive components on neonatal calf development and metabolism. Canadian Journal of Animal Science. 101:405-426.

Fischer-Tlustos, A.J., J. Pyo, A.J. Lopez, D.L. Renaud, Y. Song, L.L. Guan, and M.A. Steele. 2020. Short communication: Effect of delaying the first colostrum feeding on small intestinal growth and serum IGF-I concentrations in neonatal male Holstein calves. Journal of Dairy Science. 103:12109-12116.

Fischer-Tlustos, A.J., K. Hertogs, J.K. van Niekerk, M. Nagorske, D.M. Haines, and M.A. Steele. 2020. Oligosaccharide concentrations in colostrum, transition milk, and mature milk of primi- and multi-parous Holstein cows during the first week of lactation. Journal of Dairy Science. 103(4):3683-3695.

Fischer, A.J., C. Villot, J.K. van Niekerk, T.T. Yohe, and M.A. Steele. 2019. Invited Review: Nutritional regulation of gut function from colostrum to weaning. Applied Animal Science. 35:498-510 (“EDITOR’S CHOICE” Award).

Fischer, A.J., Y. Song, Z. He, D.M. Haines, L.L. Guan, and M.A. Steele. 2018. Effect of delaying colostrum feeding on passive transfer and intestinal bacterial colonization in neonatal male Holstein calves. Journal of Dairy Science. 101:3099-3109.

Fischer, A.J., N. Malmuthuge, M.A. Steele, and L.L. Guan. 2018. Short communication: The effect of heat-treatment of bovine colostrum on the concentration of oligosaccharides in colostrum and in the intestine of neonatal male Holstein calves. Journal of Dairy Science. 101:401-407.