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Cara Cargo-Froom

Position/Title: Post-doctoral fellow
email: [email protected]
Office: ANNU 231

Google scholar site link
Research gate site link
LinkedIn site link



PhD. (Animal Nutrition, UofG, 2022)
Thesis Title: Pulses as alternative proteins for growing swine: An investigation into the effects of processing on pulse nutrient characterization and a comparison of key methodologies used to quantify protein quality in mammals

MSc. (Animal Nutrition, Companion Animals, UofG, 2018)
Thesis Title: Mineral Nutrition of Adult Canines: Whole Ingredients as a Primary Source of Minerals Instead of Supplemental Minerals 

Work Experience 
Monogastric Research Assistant, Trouw Nutrition ​(September 2017 - March 2018)
- Running multiple research trials across species 
- Working closely with research scientists and barn technicians to implement and run trials
- Supervise the manufacturing of research diets at the feed mill 
- Collecting, entering, calculating, and reviewing data to be sent off for analysis 


About Me
A Day in the Life of a Graduate Student Interview

I am a post-doc currently in Dr. Jennifer Ellis' lab working with our industry partner Mad Barn. The goal of our research is to develop an accurate in vitro digestion and fermentation model to measure common equine feedstuff digestion/fermentation and degradation. These coefficients will also be utilized as inputs for the equine digestion model which is currently being developed. I am also currently the sessional instructor for Wildlife Nutrition (ANSC 3180) and enjoy sharing my love of nutrition and teaching with an array of students who take the course. Outside of academics I enjoy music, cooking spending time with my dogs and lizards, and being out in nature.