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Christopher Powell

Position/Title: Research Assistant/Technician
email: [email protected]
Phone: (519_ 824-4120 ext. 56688
Office: ANNU 231

Personal site link
Research gate site link
LinkedIn site link

I completed my undergraduate degree at the University of Guelph majoring in Biological Science with a minor in Business Administration. During my final undergraduate year I enrolled in an independent research course and investigated the metabolic cost of osmoregulation at various salinities in rainbow trout. From this experience, I decided I wanted to continue my education, particularly in the aquaculture field.  Currently, I am completing my MSc in the FNRL (fish nutrition research laboratory) whereby I am investigating the relative bioavailability between sources of synthetic amino acids in rainbow trout, focusing on sources of methionine and lysine. Increasing our understanding of these sources of synthetic amino acids will result in more economical feeds as supplemental amino acids will allow greater use of economical protein sources while still providing a feed that meets the essential amino acid requirements of an animal.