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Juan Sanchez

Position/Title: M.Sc. (Thesis) Student
email: [email protected]
Office: ANNU 032

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While growing up in the Caribbean, I was exposed to various animal species and industries, which allowed me to develop a keen interest in working with animals. This motivated me to purse a B.Sc. in Biology and Psychology at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, NS. Following the completion of my B.Sc., I decided to attend the University of Guelph to pursue an Honour’s Equivalency in Animal Biology.

While completing my Honour’s Equivalency, I was exposed to the inner workings of the livestock and animal nutrition industry. This piqued my interest and encouraged me to successfully pursue an Undergraduate Research Assistantship position working under Dr. Elijah Kiarie. This position further cemented my love for animals and allowed me to realize my passion in research and Animal Nutrition.

I am currently working on my masters by thesis with Dr. Elijah Kiarie. My research focuses on using multi-enzyme supplements to improve the nutritive value of poultry diets supplemented with by-products from the biofuel and food industries. Due to an increasing global population, the increased competition for feed ingredients used for human consumption has created a huge problem for the poultry industry. This has ultimately, forced the industry to look for alternative feed ingredients to maintain production and efficiency. The use of by-products from the biofuel and food industries are potential alternative ingredients, however, they are not easily digested by the birds. Thus, the addition of multienzyme supplements can potentially alleviate this problem.

After completing this project, I hope to pursue a in the Animal Livestock industry. During my free time, I enjoy cooking, watching basketball and playing tennis