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Rob Jones

Position/Title: Lab and Communications Coordinator
email: [email protected]
Phone: (519)-824-4120 ext 56891
Office: ANNU 255

Google scholar site link

I am a two-time U of G graduate, completing a BSc and then PhD in the Department of Biomedical Sciences, Ontario Veterinary College. During my graduate work I utilized genetically engineered mice to examine the role of insulin-like growth factor signaling in mammary gland development and breast cancer. This was followed by postdoctoral training at the Toronto General Research Institute where I obtained a U.S Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program Fellowship to explore the role of tumor suppressor pathways in breast cancer using a combination of mouse models, high-throughput genomics and drug-screening. I then returned to U of G and the Department of Biomedical Sciences where I acquired additional bioinformatic data skills to investigate the molecular alterations associated with breast cancer recurrence and lung cancer pathogenesis and have been an adjunct faculty member since 2018.

In addition to research, I also have a strong passion for teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels and have served as an instructor or co-instructor for a number of courses on topics ranging from cell and molecular biology to physiology and pharmacology. In my position as Lab Coordinator in the Department of Animal Biosciences I am involved with the laboratory component of a variety of undergraduate courses including BIOL*1050 Biology of Plants and Animals in Managed Ecosystems and ANSC*3040 Animal Reproduction and providing guidance and supervision of TAs. I also contribute to the communications strategy of the department highlighting all the fantastic work being carried out by faculty, students and staff here in ABSc, some of which is found in Animal Tracks, our Department Newsletter launched in 2019.

Outside of work I enjoy spending time with my busy 12 year old daughter, playing and teaching guitar and trying to shoot below 100 in golf.