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Dave Seymour

Position/Title: Adjunct Professor
email: [email protected]
Phone: +1 (519) 823-7048
Office: ANNU 017

Personal site link
Google scholar site link
LinkedIn site link

I grew up in the Beaches neighbourhood of Toronto, Ontario; while not an agricultural mecca, the neighbourhood was known for having the highest dog population in the city during the late 2000's. Growing up in this environment, in combination with my love of animals, played a significant role in my choice to apply to the Animal Biology program at the University of Guelph, with aspirations to eventually go to the Ontario Veterinary College. During my bachelor's degree, however, I became more interested in ruminant nutrition; I decided to pursue a minor focus in Nutrition & Nutraceutical Sciences, and started looking for grad school opportunities. In the fall of 2014, I started my M.Sc. under the supervision of John Cant, where I investigated the effects of feed restriction on the mammary gland at the cellular level. During this time, I also became interested in mathematical and statistical modelling, which lead me to pursue my PhD in the Centre for the Genetic Improvement of Livestock  where my project focused on feed efficiency and methane emissions in dairy cattle, under the supervision of Angela Cánovas & Filippo Miglior. Near the end of my PhD, I did an internship with Trouw Nutrition at their facilities in Boxmeer, the Netherlands, and I was fortunate enough that this lead to full-time role as a research scientist following the completion of my PhD. Since 2023, I have also had the opportunity to serve as a faculty member in the Department of Animal Biosciences.

If you are interested in booking a meeting with me, please feel free to use the link to my personal webpage (above).

Academic History

  • B.Sc. Animal Biology, minor in Nutrition & Nutraceutical Sciences, University of Guelph (2014)
  • M.Sc. Animal Biosciences, University of Guelph (2017)
  • PhD Animal Biosciences, University of Guelph (2020)