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Sierra Schaus

Position/Title: M.Sc. by Thesis
email: [email protected]
Phone: (226) 378-8075
Office: ANNU 043

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B.Sc. (Hons) (Dist) – Animal Biology (2020)


Short Biography

            I grew up working on my family’s broiler (meat chicken) barn in Bruce County. This is where my fascination with poultry began. Fast forward a few short years and I enrolled as an undergraduate student in the Animal Biology program at the University of Guelph. From there, I became more interested in every aspect of the poultry industry. In 2nd year, I joined the OAC Poultry Club where I got to learn from industry professionals about a plethora of poultry-related topics. Through this club, I was also able to complete two Artificial Insemination programs in partnership with the Poultry Industry Council. Then in my 4th year, I joined the Bédécarrats lab for a research project course where I looked at the impact of sexual maturation on bone characteristics in three lines of laying hens using CT imaging. This led directly to my current M.Sc. program in the Bédécarrats lab.


Advisor: Grégoy Bédécarrats


Current Research

            I am currently an M.Sc. student in the Animal Biosciences department at the University of Guelph, working with Dr. Grégoy Bédécarrats. My research is looking at the use of Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA) scanners to monitor body composition changes in layer pullets. The primary goals of this research are to:

  1. Develop standard protocols for the use of the DXA machine on live chickens
  2. Develop regression equations to account for any discrepancies in the DXA results
  3. Monitor body composition changes in pullets using the DXA machine
  4. Develop a model that looks at the relationship between body composition and sexual maturation in laying hens

            Following my studies, I would like to pursue a career in the poultry industry. My areas of interest include avian physiology, genetics, and reproduction. Outside of studies, I love to get involved on campus. Currently, I am the chairperson for the College Royal Society.