ABSc GSC Summer Activity Challenge
Date and Time

With the arrival of summer weather, ABSc GSC is back with the 3rd iteration of the Activity Challenge! This event will encourage everyone to get active this summer while building some healthy competition within the department!
Sign up is open TODAY (June 6th) until Friday, June 17th
- Sign up as a team with your fellow ABSc peers, labmates, postdocs, and faculty (Minimum 2/ maximum 6 people per team)! Make sure to give your team a name!!
- OR sign up individually to be added to the ‘free agent’ team (great if you are looking to meet new people to get active with)
- Sign up via the following link:https://uoguelphca.sharepoint.com/:x:/s/ABSCGSC676/Eej-UqksFS1FhI-i_kFdtb8B70wLeiZ9TpUoi9gr2KFwJA?e=ePgnIq
The challenge starts on June 20th and runs until July 31st where team members will log the amount of time they spend doing physical activities and receive points in return for their team! Some examples of activities include running, jogging, walking, sports, yoga, meditation, gardening, etc.
Along with this, we have planned themes of the week with photo challenges to give your team a chance to get BONUS points!
At the end of the event the 3 teams with the highest number of points will receive e-gift cards to a business of their choice!
- 1st Place Team: $200
- 2nd Place Team: $100**
- 3rd Place Team: $50***
All prizes to be split among team participants into individual gift cards to a business of the team's choosing
**second-place prize will only be awarded if there are more than 4 teams in the challenge
***third-place prize will only be awarded if there are more than 6 teams in the challenge
Winners will be announced August 2nd!!