Past Events

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Emily Leishman's PhD Defence

Animal robustness is essential in the poultry industry because of its consequences for animal health, wellbeing, and industry profitability. Strategies to improve animal robustness can include quantifying environmental sensitivity or direct selection for ro-bustness-related traits, however, these have come with limited success.
ABSc Snowman Building Competition

ABSC GSC Winter Snowman Building Competition

Repeats every day 2 times.
Greetings Animal Biosciences,    Can you believe that 2021 is almost finished? The Graduate Student Council (ABSc GSC) is BACK with the last student run EVENT of the year! A department wide SNOWMAN BUILDING COMPETITION!
Nanostring nCounter Seminar Flyer

NanoString nCounter Seminar

Nanostring nCounter technology enables multiplexed quantification of up to 800 RNA, DNA or protein targets from a variety of samples sources. This virtual seminar will provide an overview of the technology including capabilities and range of applications. Check your email and calendar for the Zoom meeting link. Hope to see you there!  
ABSc Snowman Building Competition

ABSC GSC Winter Snowman Building Competition

Greetings Animal Biosciences,    Can you believe that 2021 is almost finished? The Graduate Student Council (ABSc GSC) is BACK with the last student run EVENT of the year! A department wide SNOWMAN BUILDING COMPETITION!
Sharareh Jahanbin Defence Notice

Sharareh Jahanbin's PhD Defence

The nutritional value of feed ingredients varies due to the use of different raw materials and processing conditions during the produc-tion of protein ingredients. Thermal processing is central to the production of many feed ingredients. Proteins tend to be reactive and may un-dergo chemical changes during thermal processing which is collectively described as “heat damage”. Heat damage includes numerous chemical processes that may irreversibly damage amino acids or render protein more resistant to digestion. Processing of proteins at high temperatures can result in protein cross-linking.

Fiona Tansil's MSc Defence

As food and animal protein demand increases, black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) meal has gained interest in the past couple of years for use in animal feed as an alternative protein ingredient. Black soldier fly larvae is an attractive protein source; however, it is important to evaluate its protein quality before incorporation in feed formulation.

Christine Bone's PhD Defence

Boar taint is a meat quality issue caused by the accumulation of androstenone in the adipose tissue of entire male pigs and is prevented with castration, which unfortunately reduces both the profitability and envi-ronmental sustainability of pork production and is also a welfare concern.

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