CGIL Seminar: "Copy number variation detection in dairy cattle"
Date and Time
ANNU 141

Dr. Tatiane Chud; a CGIL post-doctoral fellow, will present a CGIL Seminar on Friday, November 23rd. The seminar will begin at 1:30 pm in room 141 of the Animal Science & Nutrition building.
Dr. Tatiane Chud obtained her B.Sc. in Animal Science (2011), and M.Sc (2014) and Ph.D (2018) in Animal Breeding and Genetics from São Paulo State University (UNESP) in Brazil. She has been working in animal breeding and genetics since 2007 on multiple projects, including estimation of genetic parameters in different species, genotype imputation, genome-wide association studies, and copy number variation detection. During her undergrad internship and M.Sc. she worked with Dr. Flavio Schenkel at the University of Guelph. Her master’s thesis focused on genotype Imputation in beef cattle, and her Ph.D. on copy number variation detection in dairy cattle. During her Ph.D., she was a visiting student at USDA, Beltsville, Maryland under the supervision of Dr. Derek Bickhart. In June of 2018, Tatiane joined the Centre for Genetic Improvement of Livestock (CGIL) as a Post-Doctoral Fellow under the supervision of Dr. Filippo Miglior. Her main responsibility is to lead and manage the implementation of Efficient Dairy Genome Project (EDGP) activities.
The Centre for Genetic Improvement of Livestock welcomes all interested University of Guelph staff, faculty, students, and industry or academic collaborators to attend our CGIL Seminars, which are held on Friday afternoons throughout the Fall and Winter semesters. The meetings are always available remotely via Fuze, for those unable to attend in person, and presentation recordings may also be available after the seminar. Please let me know if you need further instruction on how to connect to Fuze or view available webinar recordings.
Have a great week!
Erin Massender ([email protected])