CGIL Seminar - Oral presentation / paper discussion by students from ANSC*6210: Principles of Selection in Animal Breeding course
Date and Time
Microsoft Teams

Good afternoon CGIL,
We are happy to have with us Avalon Phillips and Emily Lomas, M.Sc. students from the University of Guelph, to present the CGIL Seminar on Friday, March 22nd, 2024, as part of the course ANSC*6210: Principles of Selection in Animal Breeding. The seminar will begin at 1:30 PM EDT/EST on the virtual platform Microsoft Teams.
The titles of the papers being presented are:
"Genetic parameters of colostrum and calf serum antibodies in Swedish dairy cattle" [Avalon Phillips]
"Residual feed intake: A limiting economic factor for selection in poultry breeding programs" [Emily Lomas]
Speakers Biographies:
Avalon Phillips is a first year M.Sc. by thesis student under the supervision of Dr. Christine Baes. She graduated with a B.Sc. in Animal Biology and a minor in Biotechnology last year from the University of Guelph and has had successful summer internships with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, and URUS. She is currently working on investigating the genetic relationship between colostrum traits, feed efficiency, and growth traits in Canadian Holstein calves, and will later work on estimating the impact of the transition period on feed efficiency in Holstein cattle.
Emily Lomas graduated with her undergraduate degree in Biology from Wilfrid Laurier University in June 2023. She is currently pursuing her M.Sc. in Animal Breeding and Genetics, where her project focuses on investigating the genetic correlation between post-mortem muscle activity and meat quality traits in turkeys. Her ultimate goal is to gain admission to the Ontario Veterinary College at the end of her M.Sc. degree, expected in August 2024.
Information to attend: To join this seminar, please ensure you have downloaded the Microsoft Teams application to your computer, or join the meeting online using the web browser version of Microsoft Teams. Please join the meeting with your microphone on mute and the camera turned off. After the presentation, you can unmute the microphone, and optionally turn on the camera, if you wish to ask a question. Alternatively, if you wish to pose your question in the chat function, the presenter will answer questions made through the chat.
Teams Link to attend:
*Recordings of previous CGIL seminars are available at:
Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
Samla Cunha and Kristin Lee