Hannah Facey's MSc Defence
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This study investigated the effects of partial to complete replacement of soybean meal (SBM) with black soldier fly larvae meal (BSFLM) in broiler chicken feeding programs. The diets included a corn-SBM based control diet (0%BSFLM) fed with and without coccidiostats and antibiotics (AGP), and four BSFLM diets formulated to replace SBM by 12.5%, 25%, 50%, and 100%. Growth performance was recorded at the end of each phase (d 10, 24, and 49). Metabolic and physiological parameters were sampled on d 24 and 49 to obtain comprehensive data resulting from a wide range of BSFLM inclusion levels. Low levels (12.5 and 25) of BSFLM may provide some growth promoting effects similar to AGP diets. In higher amounts (50, 100), BSFLM causes a depression in growth likely due to an Arg deficiency resulting in reduced protein synthesis. Further research is required to unravel post-absorptive AA utilization of BSFLM.