Juan Sanchez's MSc Defence
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Three experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of adding fibrous ingredients to diets fed to broiler chickens or turkey poults with or without a multi-enzyme supplement (MES): 1) addition of 5 to 11% rice bran in corn-soybean diets fed to broiler chickens (Experiment 1), 2) addition of 10% corn distillers dried grains (cDDGS) or 10% wheat middlings (WM) to corn- or wheat soybean diets fed to broiler chickens, respectively (Experiment 2) and 3) addition of cDDGS or WM to corn- or wheat-soybean diets fed to turkey poults, respectively (Experiment 3). Feeding rice bran increased gizzard weight but reduced body growth resulting in lighter birds at the end of the trial. Inclusion of MES im-proved growth and energy utilization independent of rice bran. Broilers fed cDDGS had poor growth which was im-proved by MES. Broilers fed corn diets were heavier than those fed wheat diets. In contrast, turkey poults fed wheat diets were heavier than poults fed corn diets. Poults fed corn-based diets rich in fiber fed with MES had heavy gizzard. In conclusion, there were varied growth and physiological responses in broilers and turkey to suggesting the need for refining enzyme application for different poultry species.