Seminar: Nutrient Requirements for Dairy Heifers
Date and Time
Room 141

Dr. Marcos Marcondes obtained his Bachelor's degree in Animal Science as well as a Master's (2007) and Doctorate (2010) at the Federal University of Viçosa. This was follwed by a postdoctoral period at the University of Florida from 2018-2019. He served as professor in Dairy Cattle Management and Nutrition at the UFV from 2010-2020, and in 2021 transferred to Washington State University as professor of Dairy Cattle Nutrition. The overall focus of MarcondesLab research is feed evaluation, nutrient requirements, and economics of dairy operations using an integrated approach by collaborating dairy cattle nutrition, reproduction and behavior. Research interests also includes the use of alternative feedstuffs to cattle, supplementation of replacement heifers on pasture and feedlots, and calf nutrition and development.