News and Announcements
Opportunity to share your passion for pigs!
As part of their new Hambassador program, Ontario Pork is looking to fill more than 70 Pig Mobile shifts from August 19 to September 5, at the Canadian National Exhibition – their largest single outreach event of the year.
Current OAC Graduate Opportunities
Interested in graduate studies? Some of the M.Sc and PhD positions available across OAC can now be found on the OAC website at:

Animal Biosciences and OMAFRA to hold first Graduate Student Symposium
Animal Biosciences has teamed up with OMAFRA to showcase the diverse research being carried out in the department. The symposium will be held on campus (location TBA) on Friday September 30th with the deadline for abstract submission on August 21.
For more information on this fantastic event, click here.

TA Positions Available
Graduate students-looking for a part-time job this Fall? The Department of Animal Biosciences has approximately 50 Teaching Assistant positions available. Click here to view the postings and be sure to check the application deadline dates which range from Friday July 15th- Friday July 22nd.