News and Announcements

Are you a Department Vehicle Driver in Animal Biosciences? Refresh your knowledge of what is expected

As the summer semester is progressing there are more departmental drivers, with many new to the guidelines for use of these department vehicles.

Please take a moment, whether you are new or a seasoned driver of the department vehicles to refresh your knowledge on what the University's expectations are of drivers of the department vehicles or rental vehicles used for research purposes.

You can see all of the University of Guelph details related to use of UofG vehicles and rentals at the following link:

canine clinical trial poster

Canine DCM study recruitment

Sydney Banton, a PhD candidate in Animal Biosciences, is looking for healthy adult small dogs and male large dogs to enroll in a collaborative clinical study at the Ontario Veterinary College (OVC). You can receive a FREE echocardiogram and bloodwork if your dog has been eating a grain-free kibble for at least the past 6 months!

Please email Sydney if interested at [email protected].

photo of Dr. Tina Widowski receiving OAC Hall of Fame award

Dr. Tina Widowski inducted into the Ontario Agricultural Hall of Fame

Dr. Tina Widowski, professor in the Department of Animal Biosciences, was inducted into the Ontario Agricultural Hall of Fame this weekend in recognition of her significant contributions to Ontario agriculture and the poultry and swine industries.

Ontario Beef Magazine Cover May 2024

Student and profs featured in latest issue of Beef Magazine

Prof. Christine Baes was interviewed for the May 2024 edition of Ontario Beef Magazine, the official publication of the Beef Farmers of Ontario. Baes discussed her first year as Chair of the Department of Animal Biosciences as well as the challenges and opportunities facing the livestock industry. 

MSc student Megan St. Martin along with Prof. Katie Wood and Megan Van Schaik (OMAFRA) were also featured and provided insight on the on the importance of benchmarking surveys to improving the beef cattle industry.

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