Townhall Meeting: ABSc Graduate Students

Date and Time


ANNU 141


The Graduate Student Council is working with Georgia Mason in her role as Faculty Advisor to gather graduate student feedback on faculty advising practices within the Animal Bioscience Department.

We will be collecting anonymous feedback via a comment box in the main office from this week. We are looking for things that have both positively or negatively impacted your graduate student experience. This may include, but is not limited to:

  • Qualities and strategies of your advisor
  • How much input you have had on your project (just enough or too little?) 
  • Feedback on deadlines 
  • Feedback on meetings and accessibility 

These comments will be discussed in a Townhall Meeting over FREE PIZZA on Friday, March 22nd from 11:30-12:30PM in ANNU Rm 141.

We hope you take this opportunity to give constructive criticism that will further enhance the graduate student experience within our department.


Your Graduate Student Council


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