The Animal Science Society is excited to announce an upcomingevent with Wild Ontario educators who will be giving a 45 minute long session showcasing 3 different raptors and spotlighting their adaptations for survival in nature. Time will be made after the presentation for attendees to ask questions in the comments of the zoom call. For more information and to register please go to [1]
You can also check out Wild Ontario (Raptors of Ontario) at [2]
The Animal Science Society is a collaboration of diverse students who share one thing: a love and devotion to animals. While that is technically two things, please note that you don’t have to be an Animal Biology or Animal Science major to join! Everybody is welcome!
In the past we have organized a variety of events that aim to educate our members about animals, and animal-related professions while providing a memorable experience. Some events we have done include a behind-the-scenes tour at the Toronto Zoo, Career Night with professionals and students in the veterinary industry, and a Fall Social where you can mingle with professors and graduate students. If you are interested in joining please e-mail us and we will notify you of upcoming events.
If you are also interested in becoming a more active member of our club and would like to assist in facilitating events as an executive, please e-mail us and we will forward you a copy of our application with available positions. We look forward to hearing from you!