Microsoft Teams

Good morning CGIL,
This week we are happy to have Dr. Luciana Regitano, Research at Embrapa Southeast Livestock, presenting for us on Friday, April 14th, 2023. The seminar will begin at 1:30 PM EDT/EST on the virtual platform Microsoft Teams. The title of the presentation is: "Could the Bos indicus hologenome be considered for breeding purposes?".
Speaker Biography: Luciana Correia de Almeida Regitano graduated in Veterinary Science at the Federal University of Paraná, Brazil (1985), obtained her MSc (1991) and her Ph.D. (1997) in Genetics and Breeding at the “Superior School of Agriculture Luiz de Queiroz” of the University of Sao Paulo. Joined Embrapa as a researcher in December 1994, where she is the leader of the Animal Biotechnology group at Embrapa’s Southeast Cattle Research Center. She collaborates with the Genetics and Evolution Department of the Federal University of São Carlos as an invited professor since 1997, where she teaches “Molecular genetics applied to animal breeding”. With experience in genomics, throughout her career, she has made important contributions to the development and application of molecular markers in animal genetic improvement, with special emphasis on selection for production in tropical environments. She is currently dedicated to understanding the functional relationships between the bovine genome and the genomes of microorganisms, exploring the concept of “Hologenome” for the development of technologies aimed at more sustainable livestock.
Information to attend: To join this seminar, please ensure you have downloaded the Microsoft Teams application to your computer, or join the meeting online by using the web browser version of Microsoft Teams. Please join the meeting with your microphone on mute and the camera turned off. After the presentation, you can unmute the microphone, and optionally turn on the camera, if you wish to ask a question. Alternatively, should you wish to pose your question in the chat function, it will be monitored and asked by the presenter.
Teams Link to attend:
*Recordings of previous CGIL seminars are available at:
Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
Samla Cunha and Kristin Lee