Pathobiology Building, Room 1800

If you're interested in learning about One Health (OH) and OH research on campus, please come out to the upcoming What is One Health seminar! This inaugural event is being organized by the One Health Student Committee, the student arm of the U of G One Health Institute (OHI).
Event details
WHEN: Monday, October 28th, 6:00pm-8:00pm
WHERE: Pathobiology Building, Room 1800 (building information: [1])
WHO CAN ATTEND: Students of any degree level (undergraduate, graduate) and any program! The faculty speakers have diverse backgrounds from across campus and there will be something interesting for everyone.
REGISTRATION: Please see survey below.
FOOD/FEES: Food and refreshments will be provided and the event is FREE!
One Health is defined as both a concept and approach. Conceptually, it is the interconnectedness of animal, human and environmental health. The approach involves working across disciplines to combat complex health challenges arising at the intersection of all three pillars. U of G's environment definition is comprehensive -- the importance of built and socially constructed environments, such as political, financial and social, are considered as well the natural environment.
At the seminar, the OHI director will be present to introduce One Health, as well as three faculty speakers with diverse backgrounds to discuss the pillars in more detail.
This event is a great opportunity to answer questions you have regarding OH, understand future opportunities in the field, connect with OHSC/OHI, and build interdisciplinary connections.
To help us estimate attendance and ensure sufficient food/refreshments for the event, please fill out this short survey. In the survey you will also be able to indicate your interest in joining the listserv to attend future OH events and/or join the One Health Student Committee regardless of your ability to attend this event. Additionally, drop-ins are welcome on the day of, but we hope to have most students RSVP prior to the event!
RSVP/Listserv Sign-Up Survey: [2]
If you have any additional questions regarding the event please email Sydney Pearce ([email protected] [3]).We hope to see you there!
Best regards,
The One Health Student Committee