Past Events

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Ash Thanabalan's PhD Defence

Poorly developed immune and digestive systems in neonatal chicks impede smooth transition to the production environment and have a significant impact on lifetime biological and economic performance. Integration of breeder nutrition may bolster perinatal immunocompetence and resiliency to production stressors. The work presented in this thesis investigated the impact of dietary sources of omega -3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) in broiler breeders and their progeny.

Ana Rentsch's PhD Defence

Laying hens housed in complex housing systems (e.g., aviaries) must be raised in equally complex rearing systems to thrive. Using three-dimensional space requires physical and cognitive spatial skills, and low levels of fearfulness reduce the risk of injury. However, rearing aviaries vary greatly in the space and complexity of their brooding compartments, where chicks are confined for the first few weeks of life.

Esther Chan's MSc Defence

The object of the study was the assessment of the potential and limitations of predicting beef cattle body weight (BW) using machine learning (ML) models trained on measurements extracted from 2D images. From 51 Angus-cross calves, five linear body measurements were measured and recorded either directly from the cattle or from their images. These measurements were collected weekly from ages two to eight weeks.

Animal Biosciences Holiday Party

Dear Department of Animal Biosciences, On behalf of the Animal Biosciences Social Committee, come celebrate the holidays at the Animal Biosciences Holiday Party on December 9th!  Enjoy great food and drinks in a festive atmosphere with your colleagues, friends, and family.  You may also participate in the (optional) Secret Santa Gift Exchange (see below)!
Troy Rowan

CGIL seminar - Using unconventional phenotypes to dissect complex traits in beef cattle

We are happy to have with us Dr. Troy Rowan, an Assistant Professor at the University of Tennessee, to present this Friday December 9th, 2022. The seminar will begin at 1:30 PM EDT/EST on the virtual platform Microsoft Teams. The title of the presentation is: "Using unconventional phenotypes to dissect complex traits in beef cattle".

United Way Pizza Lunch

We'll have our last United Way Pizza Lunch on Thursday Dec 8.   It is a busy time of year - what better way to treat yourself than with pizza for lunch (or dinner) as well as raise funds for the United Way! We will be selling Pizza ahead of time this week - you can come to ANNU110 between 12 - 12:30 and pick it up hot or we'll wrap it up for you to pick up from the Main Office later in the day. Prices are as follows and you are welcome to mix and match. $2.50 per slice,  2 slices for $4,  4 slices for $7,  
Holiday Ornament Decorating

ABSc GSC Holiday Ornament Decorating and Pizza Social

Happy Holidays! With the best time of the year right around the corner, we would love to invite all graduate students and staff to attend the ABSc GSC Holiday Ornament Decorating and Pizza Social! Come to room 230 on December 2nd for FREE pizza, hot drinks, and snacks!! Socialize with your friends and colleagues from 11am-1pm while decorating holiday ornaments!

Serena Dingle's MSc Defence

The nutritive value of soybean meal (SBM) in piglets can be increased through bacterial fermentation as antinutritional factors, such as antigenic proteins, that pose challenges while weaning are degraded. Bacillus subtilis BS9 and B5 ferment SBM with high efficiencies, decreasing antigenic high-molecular weight proteins and increasing soluble proteins, under conditions that reduce fermentation costs. In early weaning piglets, BS9 fermented SBM meal did not improve the ADG, ADFI, and FCR from day 1-14, however, FCR improved significantly from day 15-28.
ANSC6610 career panel poster

Animal Biosciences Career Panel and Networking Event

The Class of ANSC*6110 is pleased to be hosting a career panel and networking event at the Grad Lounge (5th Floor, UC) on Monday, November 28th at 11:30am.  The panel has been carefully selected to fit the interests of graduate students in the department with representatives from Semex, Mad Barn, OMAFRA, Jefo, Grand Valley Fortifiers and Hendrix Genetics. This is a fantastic opportunity for graduate students to learn about careers in the animal agriculture industry and interact with previous graduates from the department.

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