Past Events

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ABSc Graduate Student Symposium

The first DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL BIOSCIENCES GRADUATE STUDENT SYMPOSIUM is fast approaching! Join us in the Animal Nutrition building (Rm 141) on the University of Guelph campus (or virtually via Zoom) on Thursday October 13th, 2022.

Special Seminar: Paracrine and Endocrine Activities of Interferon Tau

Please join us next week for a special seminar given by Dr. Alfredo Antoniazzi from the Federal University of Santa Maria (Brazil).  Dr. Antoniazzi will be visiting our department to discuss future opportunities for research collaborations between the two institutions and will also give a seminar about his research program. The title of his seminar is Paracrine and Endocrine Activities of Interferon-τ: In Vitro and In Vivo Experimental Models. To learn more about Dr. Antoniazzi’s work, please visit the webpage below.

CGIL Seminar - "Applying genomics to improve conservation aquaculture"

Good Afternoon CGIL, We are happy to have with us Dr. Andrea Schreier and Dr. Mandi Finger to present on Friday October 7th, 2022​. The seminar will begin at 1:30 PM EDT/EST on the virtual platform Microsoft Teams. The title of the presentation is: "Applying genomics to improve conservation aquaculture". Connection information for the meeting has been sent via a Calendar invitation, additionally the meeting can be found at the link below.

CGIL Seminar - "Implementation of Two Trait Analysis for Heat Stress In Swine"

Good afternoon CGIL, Unfortunately, Dr. Albert De Vries will not be able to present this Friday due to the imminent storm in the US. We updated our seminar and Gabriella Dodd will give a presentation this Friday September 30th, 2022. The seminar will begin at 1:30 PM EDT/EST on the virtual platform Microsoft Teams. The title of the presentation is: "Implementation of Two Trait Analysis for Heat Stress In Swine".

CNM SEMINAR: How to Make Androids Dream of Electric Cows

Welcome to the September Installment of the 2022 Nutrition Seminar Series, hosted by the Centre for Nutrition Modelling (Animal Biosciences Department). Each month in 2022 we will continue to deliver seminars from a different lab within the ABSC Nutrition group, and share their exciting new research in a dynamic manner. 

Vanessa Pasquale MSc Defence

Title: Effects of space allowance on behaviour, physiology, skin lesions and meat quality of pigs transported in an actively ventilated vehicle in the summer and winter.

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