Past Events

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Bruna Mion's PhD Defence

The objectives of this thesis were: 1) to investigate the impact of complete replacement of inorganic salts of trace minerals (Co, Cu, Mn, and Zn sulphates and Na selenite) by organic trace minerals (Co, Cu, Mn, and Zn proteinates and selenized yeast) in both pre- and postpartum diets of dairy cows on the measurements of rumen fermentation, feeding behavior, performance, trace mineral concentration, antioxidant biomarkers, health status, ovarian and uterine biology, conceptus development and reproductive performance, and 2) to evaluate the contribution of systemic inflammation to short- and

Cara Cargo-Froom

The use of pulses as a protein supplying ingredients in animal feed, including swine, are limited. Pulses are often limited in one or more amino acids (usually methionine/cysteine and/or tryptophan), resulting in reduced protein quality of the ingredient compared to animal derived protein sources. A deeper understanding on the effects of processing on pulse nutrients and on protein quality, and developing both standardized ileal digestibility (SID) coefficients as well as metabolic availability (MA) of amino acids of pulses will allow for greater utilization.

Munene Kithama's PhD Defence

Fruit pomaces are rich in functional phytochemicals that could be beneficial in antibiotic free and organic poultry production. This work investigated nutritional and functional effects of pomaces in broiler chickens without or with feed enzymes (ENZ). The first study investigated the apparent metabolizable energy (AME) of apple (APL), grape (GRP), cranberry (CRP) and low-bush wild blueberry (LBP) pomaces. Results revealed that the highest AME was observed with APL and that ENZ had no effect on AME.

Tianna Sullivan's MSc Defence

Genetic selection of dairy cattle for improved stressed resiliency is one strategy for mitigating the harmful effects of stressors that are expected to intensify as a result of climate change. With global temperatures increasing 0.15-0.20 °C since 1975, there has been a reduction in the quantity and quality of feedstuffs and drinking water, promoting the survival and distribution of pathogens and their vectors.

CNM SEMINAR: Diet and the gut microbiome of fish

Get ready for the August Installment of the 2022 ‘Virtual’ Nutrition Seminar Series hosted by the Centre for Nutrition Modelling (Animal Biosciences Department)!

Vicki Brisson's MSc Defence

B vitamins are co-enzymes involved in key metabolic reactions, and mathematical models can support the development of their better-defined adequate intake, supply and requirements for dairy cows. The objective of this thesis was to develop empirical models to describe B-vitamin apparent ruminal synthesis and supply to the cow and develop a mechanistic cobalamin sub-model to follow cobalamin (B12) in the rumen of the dairy cow. Both models were developed based on a unique database where B vita-mins were not supplemented, and B-vitamin concentrations were analyzed post-hoc.
Retirement celebration

Retirement Celebration for Gail Costigan

Gail’s last day in the office will be Friday August 26, 2022. Effective Monday August 29 she will be on vacation until September 30th. The main office staff would like to invite you to celebrate Gail’s achievements over the years, as well as her upcoming retirement October 1, 2022. The celebration will take place Friday August 26 at 2:30 PM in ANNU 141. We look forward to seeing you there!

Audrey Martin's PhD Defence

For decades, animal breeding programs have allowed the dairy industry to select highly productive cows, however, at the same time, reproductive performance has declined. The challenge of selecting fertility-related traits is their low heritability and selection accuracy. Traits that are closer to the biology of the animal, combined with a better understanding of the biological mechanisms and genetic architecture of fertility, could enhance the efficiency of genetic selection.

Abstract Deadline for ABSc-OMAFRA Graduate Student Symposium

Are you doing some cool Animal Biosciences research?  Come share your great work and enthusiasm at the FIRST ANNUAL OMAFRA ABSc Graduate Student SYMPOSIUM! There will be opportunities for 15-minute oral podium presentation, 5-minute oral poster presentations, and posters without presentations. There will be prizes for oral and poster presentations, and opportunities to network with OMAFRA staff, UofG faculty, and your fellow graduate students. 

Emily Croft's MSc Defence

These studies evaluated the effects of metabolizable energy (ME) intake and parity of Angus-Simmental cows during late gestation on cow and calf performance and metabolism. Primiparous (n = 47) and multiparous (n = 109) pregnant Angus-Simmental beef cows were allocated to dietary treatments providing 80 (LME; n = 54), 100 (CME; n = 51) or 120% (HME; n = 51) of their predicted ME requirements 53 days prior to calving. Diets were formulated to meet or exceeded metabolizable protein requirements. After parturition, a common ration was fed.

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