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Lauren Finlay's MSc Defence
Estimating feed efficiency and emissions of mature beef cows on pasture faces technical
challenges, with little information on the consistency of enteric emissions between the dry lot
and pasture. This research examined relationships between feed efficiency, enteric methane
(CH4), and carbon dioxide (CO2) of beef cows in the dry lot and pasture. The trial first monitored
feed intake, CH4 and CO2 production, weight, and backfat depth every 28 days for 10 weeks in
64 pregnant multiparous beef cows in the dry lot. Post-calving, cows were randomly assigned to

Lucas Alcantara's PhD Defence
Data-driven modelling with intelligent algorithms for the improvement of dairy breeding programs has been receiving in-creasing attention. In this thesis, dimensionality-reduction methods and machine learning (ML) algorithms were applied in two sets of traits within the dairy industry: conformation and fertility.

Canadian Poultry Research Forum
The second annual Canadian Poultry Research Forum will be held June 14-16, 2022. Presented by the Canadian Poultry Research Network, the forum 'brings together students and research practitioners for a virtual experience featuring the latest in research across Can

CNM Seminar - 360 Degree KTT
Welcome to this month's installment of the 2022 ‘Virtual’ Nutrition Seminar Series hosted by the Centre for Nutrition Modelling of the Animal Biosciences Department.
Each month in 2022 we will continue to deliver seminars from a different lab within the Nutrition group, and share their exciting new research in a dynamic virtual manner.

Jennifer MacNicol's PhD Defence
Three studies were conducted. In the first study, the influence of a simulated digest of a dietary supplement on the contractile response of gastric smooth muscle to acetylcholine (Ach) was evaluated. Porcine gastric smooth muscle was collected and established in organ baths with either a simulated digest of the supplement (FA), a blank digest with no supplement (BL), or a PBS control (CO). Increasing concentrations of Ach were added and contractile force measured using an isometric force transducer.

Sudhanshu Sudan's PhD Defence
Post-weaning diarrhea (PWD) and associated mortality in commercial swine production remain a significant challenge for antibiotic-free meat production. With the ban on antibiotic usage in livestock production, probiotics have gained a lot of attention as a potential alternative. However, strain and host specificity limit their efficacy. In this research, I tested probiotic potential of a novel Bacillus subtilis, BS9 and its impact on growth performance and gut health of weaning piglets.

Erin Massender's PhD Defence
The Canadian dairy goat sector has rapidly expanded in the last decade to meet increasing market demand for goat milk products. However, the productivity of Canadian dairy goats varies and increasing production efficiency is critical to the competitiveness of both individual farming operations and the sector. Genetic selection is one proven method of increasing the production efficiency of livestock populations that has been underutilized in the Canadian dairy goat sector.