Past Events

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Madison Fox's MSc Defence

The objective of this study was to determine effects of Arg supply on the expression of a se-lect set of genes related to AA metabolism, vascular function, cellular regulation of protein synthesis, and cell differentiation and turnover between the mammary and longissimus dorsi tissues. Six rumen-cannulated, lactating Holstein cows were used in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design with 14-d periods. Treatments were continuous abomasal infusion that supplied 0 (ARGx0), 49.2 (ARGx1), and 98.4 (ARGx2) g/d Arg in an otherwise complete AA mixture at 1054 g/d.

CGIL Seminar: Building a machine learning model to identify text-based breeding protocol descriptions of hormonal synchronization protocols

  Good Afternoon CGIL, We are happy to have with us Lucas Alcantara, a PhD candidate at the University of Guelph, to present a CGIL Seminar on Friday April 29th, 2022. The seminar will begin at 1:30 PM EDT/EST on the virtual platform Microsoft Teams. The title of the presentation is: "Building a machine learning model to identify text-based breeding protocol descriptions of hormonal synchronization protocols".

Masters Defence for Lindsey Rummell

Yeast is a known immunomodulator utilized in animals to support gut health and improve digestibility. Its effects on the intestinal barrier and how it may impact nutrient absorption in dogs however is not well understood. This thesis sought to evaluate the effects of concentrated brewer’s yeast on gut health and nutrient status of healthy adult dogs. After 10 weeks, yeast-supplemented dogs had lower gut permeability and inflammatory marker concentrations compared to baseline and in contrast to control dogs.

Juan Sanchez's MSc Defence

Three experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of adding fibrous ingredients to diets fed to broiler chickens or turkey poults with or without a multi-enzyme supplement (MES): 1) addition of 5 to 11% rice bran in corn-soybean diets fed to broiler chickens (Experiment 1), 2) addition of 10% corn distillers dried grains (cDDGS) or 10% wheat middlings (WM) to corn- or wheat soybean diets fed to broiler chickens, respectively (Experiment 2) and 3) addition of cDDGS or WM to corn- or wheat-soybean diets fed to turkey poults, respectively (Experiment 3).

CGIL Seminar: Selections signatures, genetic and phenotypic diversity of Canadian soybeans through decades of breeding

We are happy to have with us Dr. Istvan Rajcan, a Professor at the University of Guelph, to present a CGIL Seminar on Friday April 22nd 2022. The seminar will begin at 1:30 PM EDT/EST on the virtual platform Microsoft Teams. The title of the presentation is: “Selections signatures, genetic and phenotypic diversity of Canadian soybeans through decades of breeding".

Spring Reception

To celebrate the end of the 2021/22 academic year the department will be hosting an ABSc Spring Reception on Friday, April 22nd at 12:00pm noon. This is a great time to celebrate a long and successful academic year and to take a break and socialize with our fellow department members, enjoy the food and join the fun! 
Calf Trifecta: Free Webinar

Healthy Calf, Health Future: Calf Trifecta, April 20th, 2022

Are you eager to learn about the newest concepts in calf management? Are you interested in the opportunity to listen to world class experts in calf nutrition, health and welfare? Here's your chance!  Register today to attend our online webinar ‘Healthy Calf, Healthy Future: Calf Trifecta’. This webinar will be held Wednesday, April 20th, 2022, from 11:30 AM- 1:00 PM EST via Zoom, hosted by a fantastic group of graduate students in the Department of Animal Biosciences at the University of Guelph.&

Hannah Facey's MSc Defence

This study investigated the effects of partial to complete replacement of soybean meal (SBM) with black soldier fly larvae meal (BSFLM) in broiler chicken feeding programs. The diets included a corn-SBM based control diet (0%BSFLM) fed with and without coccidiostats and antibiotics (AGP), and four BSFLM diets formulated to replace SBM by 12.5%, 25%, 50%, and 100%. Growth performance was recorded at the end of each phase (d 10, 24, and 49). Metabolic and physiological parameters were sampled on d 24 and 49 to obtain comprehensive data resulting from a wide range of BSFLM inclusion levels.

Seminar: Nutrient Requirements for Dairy Heifers

Dr. Marcos Marcondes obtained his Bachelor's degree in Animal Science as well as a Master's (2007) and Doctorate (2010) at the Federal University of Viçosa. This was follwed by a postdoctoral period at the University of Florida from 2018-2019. He served as professor in Dairy Cattle Management and Nutrition at the UFV from 2010-2020, and in 2021 transferred to Washington State University as professor of Dairy Cattle Nutrition.

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