Past Events

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Lisa Hodgin's PhD Defence

The poultry industry has been progressively phasing out prophylactic use of antibiotics in broiler chicken pro-duction thereby mandating the industry to contend with less reliance on the use of antibiotics. Under current Canadian regulations, the majority of commercial broiler chickens are reared on one of three gut health management programs: 1) conventional (CON), where some medically important antibiotics (MIA) are allowed, 2) raised without medically im-portant antimicrobials (RWMIA), and 3) raised without antibiotics (RWA).

The ABSC GSC Presents The CREATIVE EXPRESSION of Research Competition

Animal Biosciences Graduate Students-Are you READY for our second CREATIVE EXPRESSION OF RESEARCH competition!? Animal Biosciences Grad Students we want YOU to submit your research with a CREATIVE TWIST  which could take the form of a picture, a song, a twitter or blog post, an infographic, or WHATEVER creative way YOU can think up!! Submissions are made individually, and ALL Grad Students are WELCOME and ENCOURAGED to participate.

CNM Virtual Seminar - Out with Old, In with the New? Not so Fast! Traditional Feed Ingredients Meet Modern Science

Welcome to the March Installment of the 2022 ‘Virtual’ Nutrition Seminar Series, hosted by the Centre for Nutrition Modelling out of the Department of Animal Biosciences. Each month in 2022 we will continue to deliver seminars from a different lab within the Nutrition group, and share their exciting new research in a dynamic virtual manner. 

College Royal

Repeats every day 2 times.

College Royal



Repeats every day 2 times.
Attention ABSc Grad Students! Are you prepping for an upcoming graduate exam (defence or qualifying) and looking for some more information? Here is your opportunity to learn more about departmental-specific procedures for your exam, hear from fellow upper-year students about study/exam tips, and practice answering questions! We are offering two ABSc specific GRADUATE EXAMINATION SURVIVAL WORKSHOPS. Both workshops will be approximately 2 hours and will include:


Attention ABSc Grad Students! Are you prepping for an upcoming graduate exam (defence or qualifying) and looking for some more information? Here is your opportunity to learn more about departmental-specific procedures for your exam, hear from fellow upper-year students about study/exam tips, and practice answering questions! We are offering two ABSc specific GRADUATE EXAMINATION SURVIVAL WORKSHOPS. Both workshops will be approximately 2 hours and will include:

Events Archive